Henchin' Ain't Easy!
But it's not very fun, either. And the pay is horrible, too. Still, someone's got to clean the carbon deposits from the planet-destroying laser. Those pit traps aren't going to dig themselves. When the super hero or super spy shows up, someone has to buy the evil mastermind enough time to arm the self-destruct device. And how is the captain going to know how deadly that alien creature is if there isn't someone there to be brutally slain by it first?
So, if you're tired of being the protagonist, or even the antagonist of your story, this is the book for you. Inside you'll find all the rules you'll need to play the fodder, minions, thugs, lackeys, henchmen and assorted other kinds of non-essential personnel.
NEP (Non-Essential Personnel) is available now from DriveThruRPG.
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